Work At Home Blog

Why Working at Home as a Freelancer Can Actually Offer More Stability than Traditional Employment

Often, when you tell someone that you’re thinking about working at home, or “going freelance,” their immediate reaction is one of shock. Sure, they have dreamed of giving up the corporate grind just like you, but they just couldn’t imagine giving up the “stability” of a traditional job.

Guess what: they might have things backwards.

For one thing, let’s just state the obvious – job security just isn’t what it used to be. With even the biggest household names outsourcing, cutting back on their workforce, or disappearing altogether, there really isn’t any such thing as a “safe” job any more.

But more importantly, though, is that once you start working for yourself, you become more accountable. In a big organization, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. This is especially true if you have a manager who is inept, or even just overloaded. He or she might not even know what kind of job you’re doing, much less appreciate your work. And so, when they start looking for names to put on the chopping block, they don’t have any particular reason to hold on to you.

Contrast that with the freelance worker, who is not only cheaper for the company, but constantly in contact with key decision-makers. Because it’s clear exactly what job you’re doing, and how the organization is benefiting from your work, there isn’t much chance those contributions are going to be forgotten.

No job or industry is as safe as it used to be, but in today’s economy, it’s the freelancer who works from home that has the edge in long-term stability.


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