There are many ways to earn extra income at home but one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways is to participate in online market research studies. The key to success with online surveys is to register with as many market research and online survey companies as possible. Register here to receive updates from us on Surveys and Apps that pay!
The reason you need to register with all of the companies is simple, the more companies you register with the more survey invitations you will receive.
Step 1 – Visiting Your First Online Survey Registration Page. Answer all of the questions on the registration form truthfully. The market research companies need accurate information in order to survey you about things that you are familiar with. The more accurate information they have about you, the more surveys they will send you.
Step 2 – Follow the instructions they give you to confirm your registration. This is usually done through an email confirmation link similar to the one we sent you when you registered with us. Be sure to check your email box as soon as you have completed your registration and confirm right away. Check your junk folder if you do not see your confirmation email. If you don’t confirm your registration the market research company will not send you surveys to take.
Step 3 – KEY STEP! — Repeat steps 1 – 2 until you have registered with as many market research companies as possible. The more companies you sign up with, the more survey invitations you are likely to receive in your email box.
Step 4 – Choose and try to complete the best surveys offers that look the most interesting and lucrative to you. You get to decide what surveys you want to take. If you have time, take them all. If not, decide which ones you’d like to take. You’re under no obligation to complete any surveys if you don’t want to.
Survey Qualifiers – There is no guarantee that you will be allowed to take a survey that you are invited to take. Before you are allowed to take an online survey you will most likely be asked a series of pre-survey questions to determine if you are a right fit for the market research study. There is a good chance you will be screened out or “disqualified” from the survey. Expect this to happen a lot and do not take it personally. The market researchers are usually looking for a very specific type of person to take a paid survey. You will not be paid for this pre-survey.
Tips for Success:
- The more companies you sign up with, the more survey invitations you’ll receive in your email box which means more opportunities to make money.
- Create a dedicated email account just for surveys in order to keep your personal email separate your survey emails.
- Do not get frustrated when you are disqualified from a survey. This is a necessary part of the market research process.
- Never give your social security number to any survey websites. There is no reason a survey company will need you social security number.