Work Outs

Balance Training Benefits


Looking to add more intensity, results, and fun to your workout?

Add Balance Training!

Here are a few benefits why:

1. It helps develop a deeper communication between your brain, body, and working muscles.

– Think of balance training as a way to enhance your neuromuscular transmission. This is important when our body needs to adjust quickly for protection and safety, elevate your competitive edge, heighten propreoperception and coordination.

2. Burn more calories during your workouts.

– Your body is using additional muscles to help you stabilize.

3. It is harder for you to cheat and still maintain good form.

– When you are balancing, you have to isolate the targeted muscle or muscle group you are using when doing your exercise. You will know when you are not isolating, because you will lose your balance and fall out of position.

4. Targets your core muscles.

– You use your core muscles to balance throughout the day. They are what keep you pulled in tight and tall, supporting your body’s framework, your spine. You get added benefit from incorporating balance training because your core muscles (abdominal, glute, and back muscles) are constantly working, contracting and adjusting to keep you balanced.

5. Balance exercises increase hip stability.

– While you are balancing, your hip stabilizers are firing to keep you balanced and in form.


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Check out these great balance products that we love to incorporate into our At Home Moms Workouts!

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