5k in 5 weeks Day 2
The sharing of Isagenix with others is really the easiest part, but we tend to over complicate it because of our fear of saying the “wrong thing”, not being able to answer their question, sounding too “salesy”, or the fear of rejection. Trust me, I have been there too and can relate. Here is how to make it easier, gain confidence, and not hold back from sharing this gift with others.
Remember, all you are doing is sharing and then they decide. That is it! If I were to share with someone about a shampoo, smoothie recipe, or restaurant I liked with someone and they never tried it or expressed interest in it, I’m okay with it and I am sure you are too. Am I right? So let me release you of any feelings of fear or guilt associated with sharing Isagenix. All we do is share and they decide. Keep this in mind, and note that timing can be everything. A response of I’m not sure, or even no, is just where they are for now. Later this month I will go over following up with these types of responses.
1) Step 1 today is I want you to get comfortable with a few videos. These are video links of what you will use as a tool to share with someone who expresses interest in Isagenix products, business opportunity, or both. Depending on what they share with you, you will direct them to view the appropriate video that matches what they expressed a need or change for in their life, or interest in.
The website is www.isamovie.com. Once you get there, I want you to watch the following videos. I have noted what type of person I share each video with to help you.
When you share a video, use the direct link so that the video you want them to see is the one that shows up large at the top of the page, vs. having them search for it on the site.
Take time now to watch each of these videos.
For people interested in both product and business – “The Isagenix Difference” (6 min)
For people interested in a more in depth look at cleansing, the product system, and income opportunity – “Why Isagenix” (12 min)
For those looking for weight loss, more energy, improved health – “Are You Toxic” (5 min)
Anyone ages 18 – 35 looking for a breakthrough in their life – “Start Your Life” (4 min)
2) Take a look at your notebook page with the values list of who you are wanting to attract. Review this list and now look through your list of names and circle 10 names of people who have ideally all of the values you have listed. Sometimes who you circle may surprise you, this is actually to be expected and may not be the people closest to you in your life, or even family members.
I ask that you do not over think this task, this should be quick so that your subconscious is what is speaking to you and aligning you with the right people from your list. Once you have circled the names, close the notebook.
3) Friday we will be getting organized! Organization is key for keeping you sane and efficient to enjoy this new venture and free up your time. I ask that in preparation, you have ready to go the following:
- 1, 3 ring binder, 1 inch depth.
- lined loose leaf notebook paper with 3 holes.
- 1 packet of lined index cards.
- 43 standard (letter not legal) size file folders.
4) Be sure to schedule a call with me this week for a quick check in, overview of your back office on the Isagenix website, and a compensation plan overview. Follow here to set your call time.